Wednesday, August 11, 2010

we say farewell

we said good-bye to our good friend Sandeep - he is headed back to India, but he will return to these shores again, I just know he will.  he is off to his next adventure . . . .bye Indian son

your brother in hats

my beloved loves hats, not all hats, just certain types.  he won't wear baseball caps, truck driver caps, cowboy hats, driving caps, Austrian alps yodeler hats (think Captain Von Trapp, "So Long, Farewell"), tri corn hats, Wee Willie Winkie night caps, ( a little night before Christmas here), do-rag, kerchiefs, Peruvian knitted caps, Elmer Fudd flap caps, Bolivian Bowlers, top hats . . . do you wear hats?


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