Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Casa de BOO

Here's what went on at our house last night:

OK not really at our house but you get the idea!

Cuter than pie, these girls

Friday, September 30, 2011


Years apart, dear to my heart - oldest and youngest works of art

Friday, August 26, 2011

Beads and Beehives

In the LDS church we have a young womens program for teens and the 12 to 13-year old girls are called Beehives.  My friend Barb asked me to help her class make bracelets and what a time we had!  Here are the results and note:  one of the girls took these pictures with my phone - not bad!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

you say tomato, I say eyelid

as I was heading out the door this morning, my darling asked if I knew where his scale could be?  I was thinking he wanted to weigh something while cooking, but no, he wanted to scratch his back while I am not there to do it for him (quizzical look emoticon here).  I showed him the scales we have in the kitchen and he would have none of them.  Finally the light went on - he was looking for a RULER!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The man

I waited 48 years for 
Surprises me at work with lunch today
Large red black handled bag full of lunch, love and luck 


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